Simple Living Online Session
Intentional living, minimalism, capsule wardrobe strategy and more!
Service Description
This is an initial session to help you live more intentionally and simply. Whether you are interested in how minimalism works, building a capsule wardrobe, a Year of Less, decluttering your life, or living with less in order to free yourself, we will work together to figure out what is right for you. Intentional living helps you connect with yourself, those around you, and your environment in order to feel lighter and experience greater joy in your life. If you want to live more sustainably, give back more than you take, and feel grounded we will discover how you can do so simply and without overwhelm. These practices help to reduce stress and anxiety and allow you to spend more time doing things you love with the people you love. If you are interested in an in person closet clean out and capsule wardrobe building this initial session is required. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions!
Contact Details